
Can I learn Auslan from Signbank?

No, Signbank is not intended to be, nor is it designed to be, a stand-alone language learning tool. Ideally, to learn Auslan, or any language, you need to interact with users of the language or attend a course.  Signbank is a free resource with information on Auslan signs, in the form of a dictionary (see Dictionary). 

Some stories being told in Auslan by deaf native signers can be viewed on the Auslan Corpus site which can be reached through a link on a link on this site (see Corpus).

It is hoped that support can be found to fund the expansion of the Auslan Signbank site in the near future so that it can also include video clips of simple and common phrases, example sentences illustrating the grammar of Auslan (see Grammar), and a much more extensive range of natural recordings in Auslan from the Auslan Corpus.

Where can I learn Auslan?

Visit the internet site DeafNav to find out where to learn Auslan. DeafNav is a neutral, centralised portal that helps you better understand, access and connect with the Deaf and hard of hearing community.