Keywords: back, past, go backwards, back up (reverse), reverse, go back (return), ago (long ago), past (distant past), before (long before), backwards
Found 1 variant for this sign (click on video to enlarge):
Sign Definition
As a Noun
1. The side or part of something that is towards the rear or farthest from the front. It is normally not used or seen as much as the front. English = back.
2. Thinking of the future as a time which is in front of you, used to point to that period of time which is before the present and thus ‘behind’ you. English = past.
As a Verb or Adjective
1. To move in a direction which is the opposite direction to the one in which you normally face or in which you normally go when walking or driving. English = go backwards, back up, reverse.
2. To be located at the side or part of something that is towards the rear or farthest from the front. English = (be) at the back of.
3. To move in a direction that takes you to a place where your were before. English = go back.
4. To go back in time to the past.
As Modifier
1. Used after time signs, at the beginning or end of sign phrase, or immediately next to a verb (action) sign to mean the action took place at a time much earlier than the time of speaking or another time given as a of point of reference. English = long ago, in the distant past, back then, long before.