Keywords: substitution, substitute, replacement, replace, instead of, instead
Sign Definition
As a Noun
1. The act of putting one person or thing in the place of another person or thing. English = substitution, replacement.
2. The person or thing that takes the place of or performs the function of a second person or thing. English = substitute, replacement.
3. In algebra, the act of putting numbers where the letters (such as a, b, x, y, etc.) are in an equation or a formula. English = substitution.
As a Verb or Adjective
1. For one person or thing to take the place of or perform the function of a second person or thing. English = substitute, replace. Idiomatic English = put in the place of.
2. To use one thing instead of a second thing. English = substitute, replace.
3. In algebra, to put numbers where the letters (such as a, b, x, y, etc.) are in an equation or a formula. English = substitute.
As Modifier
1. Used between the signs for two things or the names of two people, between two actions, or between two times, to mean the first happens rather than the second. English = instead of, in the place of.
2. Used at the beginning of a sentence to mean the action or the thing discussed in the sentence happens rather than something else which has just recently been talked about. English = instead.