Keywords: prude, puritan, prim, prissy, prudish, straight-laced, puritanical, formal (situation)
Found 1 variant for this sign (click on video to enlarge):
Sign Definition
As a Noun
1. A person who behaves very correctly and is easily shocked by anything rude or improper. Often used showing disapproval.
2. A person who is easily shocked by things related to nudity or sex. English = prude.
3. A person who has a very strict and severe attitude towards questions of morality. English = puritan.
As a Verb or Adjective
1. To behave very correctly and to be easily shocked by anything rude or improper. Often used showing disapproval. English = (be) prim, (be) prim and proper, (be) prissy.
2. To be easily shocked by things related to nudity or sex. English = (be) prudish.
3. To have a very strict and severe attitude towards questions of morality. English = (be) puritanical. Idiomatic English = (be) straight-laced.