Search for a sign using an English keyword in the search box or browse keywords starting with any letter. Limit search to a category of signs by selecting from the list of topics.

The dialect setting determines the ordering of signs shown for keyword matches. The preferred dialect will be shown first if there are multiple signs matching a keyword.

There is no exact match to the word you typed.

There are three main reasons why there may be no match:

  1. There really is no Auslan sign for which that word is a good translation (you may need to fingerspell the word)
  2. You have mis-typed the word or you have added unnecessary word endings. Follow these search tips:
    • type only the first few letters of a word
    • type words with no word endings like ‘ing’, ‘ed’, or ‘s’.
  3. The match is blocked in the public view of Auslan Signbank because the word/sign is obscene or offensive in English or Auslan, or both. (Schools and parents have repeatedly requested that these type of words/signs be only visible to registered users.) If you login or register with Signbank, you will then be able to find these matching words/signs if they exist in Auslan.