Keywords: emit, turn on (start), heater, radiator, light, speaker (loudspeaker), illuminate, radiate
Sign Definition
General Definition
1. Any concentrated source of energy (light, heat, sound, etc.) which gives out rays or waves in all directions, like a pattern of lines drawn from the centre of a circle to various point on its edge, or any thing or any action that can be associated with this in a given context.
As a Noun
1. A source of sound energy. English = speaker.
2. A source of light energy. English = light.
3. A source of heat energy. English = radiator, heater.
As a Verb or Adjective
1. Of a source of energy (light, heat, sound, etc.) to give out rays or waves. English = emit, radiate.
2. Of a source of energy (light, heat, sound, etc.) to suddenly start to give out rays or waves. English = turn on.
3. Of a source of light, to give out rays or waves. English = illuminate.